Have you ever met someone and just clicked with them? You just KNOW that you're going to have fun doing whatever it is you set out to do? That's kind of like how I felt when I first met Summer. I walked into her home and a pretty blistering hot spring day and BAM I just knew it was going to be a great evening. From her Harry Potter necklace, to her love of her fur babies - this girl is pretty darn awesome. We walked a short way from her home in Buena Vista, to the local park where we found an abundance of little flowers and open grassy areas for her sunset session. We started with just her, then brought in her loves then back to just her to end the night. I swear, had the sun not completely set on us, I would have just kept shooting. We lost track of time, it was that fun! Anyway, enough of my ramblings - here are a few previews from our time together <3 Enjoy!